Even Superheroes use Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS)

A movie star Kumail Nanjiani, well known for his role in Silicon Valley, shared his secret on how he achieved such incredible body transformation. Kumail is set to appear in new superhero movie “The Eternals”. He used EMS to speed up muscle growth in order to fit his new character role. All this was done by using electricity during his training routine.

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Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) works by sending an electrical current to the targeted muscle, forcing it to contract. EMS has received a large amount of attention in the last few years. Until recently EMS was primarily used in physical therapy to help with pain management and recovery.

Recent studies have shown EMS can promote greater results when used during exercise. Athletes and actors use electricity during the actual workout to help increase muscle contraction beyond their capabilities. It speeds up the process of muscle growth and overall performance making it essential for those looking to get fit fast. EMS stimulates working muscle beyond individual’s capability. Approximately 15 minute training session with EMS can have the same if not more impact then traditional one hour workout.

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